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Aamir’s Transformation for Dangal: What all you can learn from it and get yourself Motivated


Have you ever wondered how these actors put on or shed off weights for their roles in any particular movie? For instance, it was Bhumi Pednekar in ‘Dum Laga Ke Haisha‘ who gained as much as weight for that role.. And had lost kgs after. And the current hot topic is Aamir Khan’s physique for ‘Dangal‘. Talks are, that the actor took steroids dabbed inside the body for achieving such an amazing physique.

Well yes, he did take steroids. Many actors, actresses take it too for any kind of transformations. But why we should loose our minds on this? Its their profession and it varies from movies to movies what their roles demand. As a perfectionist, Aamir must have wanted the perfect physique and that’s why he took steroids. There is a lot to learn from this. For a man aged 51, any kind of transformation isn’t easy. We, common people, think that he is a celebrity. He has facilities, money and what not to achieve what he did. But it’s not that. Anyone can gain that transformation if he wants to and if he is trained in a right way. Even if Aamir took steroids, is not the point, what’s important for many gym goers to learn from that is,

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11 Possible Reasons Why You are not Gaining Muscle Mass: Muscle Building Tips Here are few common mistakes you are making at gym while gaining muscle mass

The main motive for many behind opting for a workout or going to gym is to gain muscle mass. Your workout program play a vital role in building up your muscle mass. But many of us are not able to gain that muscle mass in spite of hard workout sessions. As a gym owner, I have concluded some common wrongs you may have been doing at the gym.

Neglecting Leg Workout

If you think, that just by doing upper body workout or focusing on arms only and neglecting leg workout will help you build your arms-muscles, is not right. Leg-muscles are part of big muscles of body working on these big muscles will in turn help you boost up testosterone level and this will help in overall muscle gain, even the arms muscles. So, neglecting leg workout is a possible for no muscle gain.

Using Smith Machines:

If you want to gain muscles and are stuck to smith machines, its not good choice. Because both of these do not go hand in hand. Smith machines being used for shoulder press, dead lifts , bench press or mainly for squats, will not help you in a long way. Stop using Smith Machines, NOW!

  • SQUATS – The isolation on the legs take the core out of the entire exercise which is essential to eliminating stress on the user’s knees. By focusing sole attention on the legs it puts too much pressure on the joints. In a freestanding squat the user’s core and lower back helps to eliminate this kind of pressure. The great thing about the smith machines are that they help with form and are great for beginners, but ultimately the price paid once you increase the weight and make steady progression just isn’t worth it. Once you learn the form it’s best to do the old fashioned freestanding squats and lift on a normal bench. Your body will thank you later.
  • BENCH PRESS – In order to reap the benefits of benching you’ll need to engage multiple muscle groups and use your entire body’s strength something the smith bench doesn’t offer. Old fashioned benching works best for overall results.

Continue reading 11 Possible Reasons Why You are not Gaining Muscle Mass: Muscle Building Tips Here are few common mistakes you are making at gym while gaining muscle mass

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How to Reduce Fat From Face How to Get Rid of Facial Fat & Get a Toned and Slim Face

how to reduce fat from face

A person’s face is something he is born with. your face is where your emotions are shown. one’s face reflects one’s personality. however, types of faces vary from person to person. some people have slim face while some are born with chubby cheeks. Chubby  cheeks  are  attractive only when  you  were  a baby. As  you  grow  up, you  desire  for a sleek , toned face muscles  and  bloat free face . A toned  face is not only  looks good on the outside  but that’s make you much more sexy & attractive, that  is pretty enough to boost your  confidence on  the  inside!

There could be many reasons behind facial fat but the common ones are – dehydration, excess fat, carbs, sugar, salt and alcohol.

It is said , when it comes to weight reduction, face is the first to shed off. And while weight gain, face is the first to puff up. But constant facial exercises can help you maintain that toned face which you have earned out of hard work!

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How to Prepare Yourself for Marathon?


“First marathon in Bhilwara”

CONGRATULATIONS on your decision to run the most exciting run first time ever in Bhilwara.

That feeling of being part of something different, stronger,  brave and adventurous The Marathon!  can give YOU additional energy, makes a better version of you. I hope you can apply this feeling of excitement to your marathon preparation and celebrate each kilometer.

Each run for the cause is Making the breathtaking and sometimes overwhelming decision to run those 5kms can not only be quite uplifting but it can give you the much-needed energy to start your training. I wish so much that this guideline will help you & your Run will be successful, fulfilling and most of all joyful for you.

It doesn’t matter whether this is your first time preparing for a Long Run or one of many. A good overall approach to your physical and mental training is very important. it can help you be at your best on marathon day.

You might have just started to outline a new schedule for training, with a few tune-up races and all the elements necessary for your upcoming marathon. No matter what race you are focusing on, it will be helpful to embrace, that while there are basic rules for training, it is essential and beneficial to experience joy while running, and celebrate one workout after another. Each run will bring you closer to your goal, and you will experience the satisfaction of knowing you are making progress and that, in itself, can give you new energy.

1. Know your body


Continue reading How to Prepare Yourself for Marathon?

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45 Best CrossFit & Functional Exercises with Tyre – Part-2

After getting great response of 45 best crossfit and functional exercises with tyre part-1 this is part-2 with more amazing workouts. Clients want something new and interesting after published part- 1. If you missed part-1 watch it here

Now it’s time to do more advanced abs and legs exercise with tyre (Like – Bumpers, oblique crunch, walking lunges, hip thruster etc)

These next level exercises will give you more strength & endurance. So watch it and if you like it , don’t forget to share.

Continue reading 45 Best CrossFit & Functional Exercises with Tyre – Part-2

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3 Amazing facts about Indian culture of sitting on the floor while eating

Why Do We Sit On The Floor While Eating

Our grandparents definitely had a reason to sit on the floor cross legged (SUKHANSANA – A yoga pose) and ate their food.

In Indian culture traditionally people eat their meals sitting on the floor. In western traditions, people adopted the dining table and chair as a place to eat. Hence many westerners people find it difficult to sit on the floor in the cross legged position. But this pose is more comfortable and the simplest sitting posture of Yoga.

“But people who has serious knee or hip injuries should avoid sit on the floor cross legged.”

Science and Ayurveda says, the idea of sit on the floor when eating is definitely the best thing for your health.

Here are some reasons for that –

  • More Comfortable – Sitting on the floor, cross legged is an Asna (pose) known as ‘Sukhasana’ or ‘Ardh Padmasana’. ‘Sukhasana’ comes from the Sanskrit word “sukham” which can mean ‘comfort’ ‘joyful’ ‘pleasure’ ‘easy’ etc. So it’s a very easy pose to sit.
  • Digestion – ‘Sukhasana’ helps in digestion. It is a better pose to make your food digest easily. It is believed that if you sit in this pose in front of food it automatically signals your brain to prepare for digestion.
  • Weight Loss – ‘Sukhasana’ has weight loss benefits too. The main reason people overeat because they don’t know when they are full.

When you sit in this position the ‘Vagus nerve’ is able to perform better. (The main nerve which regulates the digestive system. Vagus nerve like a walkie-talkie to signals from stomach to brain. It signals your brain if you feeling full or not.) It gives you time to cognate with the food you are eating, thereby preventing overeating.

Our new generation prefer to sit on sofa or bed, in front of TV and eat. But that is not good for health. ‘Sukhasana’ improves your postures also and makes your back flexible. This pose is too easy even for elderly people.

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45 Best CrossFit & Functional Exercises with Tyre – Part-1

45 Crossfit Excecises

In recent years, the popularity of training types- Kick Boxing, MMA, Functional Training has exploded with many Celebrity Trainers, Athletes and Bollywood Film Stars.
After watching such movies, clients come to me and say- Sir I want ‘Brothers’ ‘Baaghi’ ‘Sultan’ & ‘ Mary Kom’ (Bollywood movies) kind of training schedule. They fantasize about being like them.

Finally I decided to make a CrossFit Workout setup. I hired a 2700 square feet hall above my gym. than ordered a 6 ft filled punch bag, kettle bells, medicine balls, parachute, ladders, TRX bends, 3 different sizes of tyres, 4 kgs & 7 kgs Hammers, Resistance bends etc.
Now my clients are satisfied and the results are even better. Most of them love to do workout with tyres even me too.

There are some tyre exercises I love most – Tyre flip, Tyre Dead-lifts, Sledge Hammer, farmer walk and Tyre drag. That’s why I thought to make a video of Tyre Exercises.

The advantage about using Tyres to train is you only need to be worried about space because the tyres are not that much expensive. I have five tyres (3 different sizes) at my gym and all of them cost me lesser than your weekend beer money.
Once you collected your tyres it’s time to start exercises with them.

Watch the video to know more about tyre exercises.

I assure you will love it.

There are a variety of exercises in the video that will challenge you in ways regular gym training can’t. If you perform in proper form & techniques, your strength and endurance can reach a level much higher than before.

Posted on 222 Comments

What is the best time to take casein protein!


“Slow-Acting Proteins – casein” what is casein, why do you need them & best time to take casein protein.

Beginners in gym doesn’t know what casein is and why do they need them. The only protein they know about is whey. Here I gonna tell you some facts about casein.

Casein and whey have very different applications when it comes to maintaining and building muscle tissue

  • Whey was described earlier as a fast-absorbed ‘Anabolic’ protein greatly increasing Protein synthesis and boosting muscle growth.
  • Casein is the major ANTI-CATABOLIC protein preventing muscle protein breakdown primarily due to its SLOW rate of absorption and consequent slow release of amino acid to the body for a sustained period of time.

Research has shown that-

  • Casein resulted in a slower rise in serum amino acid concentrations but they remained significantly higher over a 7-hour period as compared to whey.
  • casein was found to inhibit breakdown by 34% over a 7 hour period.

Best Timing to take casein protein :-

  1. Pre Workout – Casein is the perfect pre-workout Protein because it can maintain a slow sustained release of amino acids, especially BCAAs, throughout the workout to be used for energy and preventing muscle protein breakdown.
  2. Bedtime – Casein also an excellent meal before bedtime. Because of overnight fast, after this meal you generally go for hours without any meal. Casein protein will stay with your body longer than other forms of protein & helping to stave of muscle catabolism until your next meal in the morning.
  3. It is also the preferred protein in a meal meant to sustain for a prolonged period during the day.

Casein has its own benefits because it is a slow-digesting protein, that’s why it is called a ‘Powerful ANTI-CATABOLIC Protein’

Posted on 265 Comments

How to Do Archer Push Ups

ancher pushup

Archer Push-up is a good move to learn the ‘Single Arm Push-up’.
If you are trying to perform ‘One arm Push-up’ than go for the “Archer Push-up” first.

How to perform:-

  • Start with a Push up position but make your arms wider than that.
  • Lower yourself & bend into one side of your push up.
  • Push up back to return in starting position.
  • Alternate sides and Repeat.
  • Your ‘Off Arm’ should remain straight for the entire movement.

Make it Harder:-

Try to do it with lift one/two/three fingers of your ‘Off Arm’ off the floor with each fingers you lift, the ‘Working Arm’ will take more load.

“Archer Push-up” we can say it’s a self assisted version of ‘Single Arm Push-up’.

Watch the Archer Push up video to get the form & see the exercise in motion.