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Shilpa Shetty Performed Yoga And Shared Tips at an Event in Jaipur The beauty is that people often come here for the stretch and leave with a lot more

I have been into fitness since 9 years and I love my profession and I am fully dedicated towards my work. It’s actually not my source of earning money but my passion. In Jaipur there was a Yoga event for two days (Saturday and Sunday) by Shilpa Shetty Kundra with her Guru. I couldn’t able to attend Saturday event due to my busy work Schedule so I attended only Sunday session. Shilpa Shetty shared some Yoga tips at an event in Jaipur at SMS INVESTMENT GROUND. There was a huge gathering. I think this session had given a great platform to promote Fitness to such a large global audience. Shilpa Shetty performed Yoga and shared tips to keep the body healthy. She asked the participants to practice Yoga daily in the morning and have good eating habits. At this age also (41 years old actress) relies on healthy diet and yoga for her perfect figure and health. She is so energetic. She told Yoga keeps our body peaceful, free from stress, improves posture, flexibility and helps in balancing. She told every movement of yoga should be performed by feeling it.


The yoga requires a lot of stamina and dedication. She also told that those who are suffering from any kind of disease, like diabetes or back problem needs to practice yoga regularly. Post 30’s, most women usually start to age much faster. They start to develop wrinkles. They start to easily gain weight. And the body starts to become weak. But then there are still those celebrities who still manage to stay gorgeous and fit at such age. Nothing, be it age, pregnancy or weight seems to affect them like Shilpa who reduced lots of weight after her pregnancy.

Continue reading Shilpa Shetty Performed Yoga And Shared Tips at an Event in Jaipur The beauty is that people often come here for the stretch and leave with a lot more

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85 Fitness Words You Should Know – Basic Gym and Excercise Terminology Gym terminologies you need to know to feel like a full fledged gym citizen

As you all know, B2 Zone organised an uncommon and exceptional workshop,  “Gym Lingos”, on Sunday, 26th March’17. The workshop was conducted by the Founder – Director of Magnum Opus, a language and communication skill training centre, Shikha Vinayak – a young educator, who has been giving a talk on language for 6 years and with her dynamics instils the love for learning amongst the students. The lady with a substantive industry experience in language, developed a unique blended highlights in various genres of gym, that gives not only a trainee but a trainer also a truly customised and multi-modal learning experience.
Gym Lingos” – the language or the terminologies we use at gym which make us feel like full fledged gym citizens. The event was attended by not only gym-goers but many students and trainers as well who were keen to learn the gym language.  It was an informative workshop consisting of all the key terms one can use at the gym. The 2 hours session was brimmed over with zeal and zest throughout as it insisted on enlightening not only theoretical, but a practical approach on the subject . We always try to bring something new to you. So it was another something held for First Time in Bhilwara. For those who attended and even those who couldn’t make it to the event, we here bring you a brief glance of the session underneath :

Body Goals

1. Cut
2. Fit
3. Shredded
4. Jacked
5. Ripped
6. 6 pack abs
7. Athlete
8. Muscular

Continue reading 85 Fitness Words You Should Know – Basic Gym and Excercise Terminology Gym terminologies you need to know to feel like a full fledged gym citizen

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Top 5 Healthy Morning Breakfast Drinks for Weight Loss At Home The 5 super morning drinks you can consume in order to lose weight and remain hydrated all through the day.

When we think about a healthy diet, the question is from where should we begin? It’s not easy to leave our Indian spicy food and switch to those salads all of a sudden. So, where we can begin is from choosing a habit of drinking these super morning drinks. What morning habits we Indians have is that, we consume tea or coffee as soon as we get up. Which is not right because with this we are consuming lots of calories early morning. Also, caffeine intake empty stomach is one habit which you should never get into. But instead of that, we can switch to some weight loss drinks which are advised to take ’empty stomach’. The drinks we are mentioning here helps boosting metabolism instantly. Like if you fall in a habit of consuming these daily, you will feel the change. They remove toxins from your body and are well known for being antioxidant agents or work as detox drinks. They give an antispasmodic effect. That is, they suppress hunger cravings and let your stomach muscles relax. Which in turn lets you consume less calories and lose weight. I have suggested this to many of my clients and the one’s who are regular at it, feels more energetic and loved this habit.

We are also telling you the basic method which will help you consume them on the go.

#1 Lemon Water:

Boil one glass of water . Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to it. Let it become lukewarm and then consume the same.

Continue reading Top 5 Healthy Morning Breakfast Drinks for Weight Loss At Home The 5 super morning drinks you can consume in order to lose weight and remain hydrated all through the day.

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15 Minutes Weight Loss Workout for Beginners at Home – Day 2 Best Exercise at Home - Free Weight Loss Workout Plan for Beginners

We introduced you to series of workout in our last blog which was based on workout circuit at home. The series included workout video for Day 1 and Day 4 of the week. It was the first video out of the 3 video series. In case you missed it, check the video here on YouTube.

Now, we bring you the second video of the series which is, again based on 15 minutes workout circuit at home for beginners. This video is to be performed on Day 2 and Day 5 of the week. Continue your workout routine at home with the help of this video.

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The Best 3 Health And Fitness Articles Of 2016 Feel motivated after reading these and make your 2017 be even more fit!

Awareness related to fitness is growing every day. People who love reading about fitness keep on searching things to achieve their fitness goals.

As new year have begun , we looked back to our blogs of 2016. And Out of many blogs uploaded last year, there were a few blogs which were appreciated a lot by our viewers. We have concluded top 3 blogs out of them based on the maximum number of views and responses we have got on social media.

#1 Aamir’s Transformation in ‘Dangal’ :


A celebrity or precisely an actor inspires a large number of people on the go. And Aamir’s transformation inspired millions of viewers. Whether or not he took steroids, achieving that physique at this age proved that age really is just a number! Feel motivated and inspired and read more on this blog here.

#2 How to detect fake supplements?

Continue reading The Best 3 Health And Fitness Articles Of 2016 Feel motivated after reading these and make your 2017 be even more fit!

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Things to Consider Before Joining Gym: What Orthopedist Says! Interview with Dr. Vishal Gupta (Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon)


Gyms were a different scenario a few years back. They were attraction for the youth who were into bodybuilding and aged between 20-35 years. But now, after the evolution of these fancy health clubs, people of different ages have shown interest in joining gyms. People from the age of 20 to as old as 60 years are into fitness. And during such age, that is after 40 years, we start to experience different kinds of pains and stress in our bodies.

Therefore, we should consider a few things before joining gym. Consulting a Doctor is not at all a bad suggestion.
If we are joining gym for the first time, many factors related to our health should be taken in view.
I, along with Dr Vishal Gupta, a well known orthopedist of the town, have tried to answer a few common questions one might put before getting into any gym. As gyms have certified trainers now, Doctors suggest their patients to go for gyming to achieve fitness. Here I have asked Dr Gupta a few common problems my clients face in gym and he have tried his best to help my clients out.

1. Should I stop working out the moment I start feeling knees pain or any kind of pain? And if not, then what kind of exercises should I avoid?

Ans: As quoted by Dr. Gupta, “One should never just stop working out completely one experiences knee pain. However, if there is pain below medial joint line, or if tenderness occurs, then a few exercises could be avoided. Those exercises should be the ones which exerts pressure on such joint line. Such as, squats, lunges should be avoided. Dr. Gupta also said, if you are overweight, you should definitely avoid high impact exercises, which are running, jumping-jacks, stepper and high-knee.

Continue reading Things to Consider Before Joining Gym: What Orthopedist Says! Interview with Dr. Vishal Gupta (Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon)

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15 Minutes Weight Loss Workout for Beginners at Home – Day 1 Exercise-at-Home Free Weight Loss Workout Plan for Beginners

There are two types of people :

One’s who love working out and are crazy to go at gyms. And the one’s, who equally love working out but are not able to go gym due to many reasons. Lately, the second category is more common. I myself have been told by clients who like to stay fit and can go for exercises, but aren’t regular at gyms or are not able to go gyms. And the reasons being

  • lack of time
  • do not have facilities of a fancy gym nearby
  • who have problem with the word ‘gym’  itself as they don’t want to be associated with the one’s who go gym.

These clients often ask me if there are any equipment-free exercises which they could perform at home on regular basis and can stay fit. So, I along with Team B2zone, are going to introduce a series of work out which can be performed at home on regular basis. The series consists of a 3 video circuit. All the 3 videos will be comprising of the exercises which you can perform at home without equipments or machines. You can follow a schedule of performing exercises on Day1 (first video), Day2(second video) and Day3(third video). A day’s rest then, that is day 4. And repeat the circuit on Day 5, 6 and 7.

We are done with the first video and it had been uploaded as well. The circuit of the first video is to be followed for 6 weeks and then you can opt for the next video of the series. This workout schedule will help you build strength and stamina and will boost up your endurance. I hope you will follow this regularly. If any questions, leave in the comment section or drop the question on our discuss forum. Team B2Zone will guide you in the best possible ways.

Posted on 297 Comments

Top 10 Most Energising Songs You Can Play at Gym! The Best Workout Songs and Playlists from B2Zone

When it comes to weight lifting, there has to be some kind of inspiration every time you enter gym. Be it your role model body-builder or some inspiring videos. But sometimes, you need something other than these visual motivating effects. And that’s where music comes in. Music plays a major part during your workout sessions. That moment, when you are working out, and suddenly music goes off! The energy level instantly goes down and the work out becomes much less exciting.Maybe, it depends on your performance,but regardless, listening to music during work out can contribute to motivation,  performance and skill learning in a broad way! For athletes and some people, who run, jog, cycle, lifts weights or exercise otherwise, music is not superfluous- it is essential to peak performance and for a satisfactory workout. There exists plenty of motivating songs which you can play gyms. There not necessarily be that apmtitude and bass but you need those vocal melodies to really get you revved up or charged up. The songs you queue up should not be just fast and hardcore, they should be the one’s who force you to wave up your inner beast and help you boost you energy level. We chose such motivating songs and music for a better workout of our clients. Here, are the top 10 songs/beats which you boost up your energy level all through the work out!

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TOP 5 VEGETARIAN PROTEIN SOURCES Best Vegan and Vegetarian Protein Sources


For a non-vegetarian, consuming protein is an easy task. They do not have search for different options in order to intake protein in their meals. But, for a vegetarian, the intake of protein is less. Although, the sources are in abundance, but their knowledge about such protein sources is less. Protein is the primary necessity of our bodies. Vegetarian protein, also known as plant-based protein is available in variety of foods. And here, I have tabled top 5 such sources, which I even suggest my clients who are on off-meat diets. Also, the standard protein quantity which will guide them is stated further.

#1 SOY:

Soy is derived from soybean, which is one of the best plant-based protein sources. The protein content in soybean is very high as compared to other sources and is known as ‘soy-protein’.  Various soy products such as tofu (paneer made out of soy milk), soy milk, soy flour are all rich protein sources.

Continue reading TOP 5 VEGETARIAN PROTEIN SOURCES Best Vegan and Vegetarian Protein Sources

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Top 5 Natural Fat Burning Foods Here are best Fat-Burning foods for weight loss

Food and weight loss! Yes, that’s completely right. But, only the right food. Right food which are in abundance of good fat, should be included in our diet to shed off weight. Such good fat helps you build muscles which, in turn, will help you shed off some kgs. While counselling my clients over their diet, I guide them to inculcate a few good fat food. And during that, I observe that their knowledge of such food is very less. So, here I got a list of top 5 food which will help you Shed those extra pounds and will help in building body in right way.

#1: Green tea


Green tea for weight loss has now become a worldwide phenomenon. This is because green tea helps in boosting metabolism while burning fats; and its key antioxidant ‘Catechins’ are said to be mainly responsible for the burning of these fats. Now a days, many celebrities suggest the intake of green tea for weight loss.

#2: Oats


If you’re looking to lose weight, it’s time to skip the sugar-laden cereal, and start enjoying a hot comforting bowl of oats in the morning. It’s backed by science: A small study found that those who ate oats daily for six weeks had a greater decrease in cholesterol levels and waist size than those who ate the same amount of carbs in noodles over the same time period. It keeps you satisfied: There’s no need to reach for an unhealthy convenience snack in the morning when you’ve got oats on your side; it offers the calories and fibre you need to stay satisfied all morning long. Unlike sugary breakfast cereals full of refined carbs, the body digests oats at a slower pace, keeping blood sugar levels steady, energy up, and hunger away.

#3 Peanut Butter!

Like Olive oil, Coconut oil and a few nuts, Peanut butter is a good fat provider to your body. It provides you the right amount of fat you need while working out. It helps you build muscles and that is where weight loss occurs. Usually, weight loss requires you to exercise more and eat fewer calories. This creates a calorie deficit that forces your body to burn body weight for energy. In the process of eating less, higher calorie foods are usually avoided. Peanut butter intake will fulfill that requirement of your body. But after all, it’s fat. So taking in tablespoons of it won’t help. It should be taken in right amount and at right time. Also, instead of going for peanut butters available in market, homemade peanut butter can also be consumed. It will be fresh and it will contain the right amount of fats.

#4 Lemons


Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. Studies have shown people who maintain a more alkaline diet, do in fact lose weight faster. I personally find it more beneficial to drink warm lemon water first thing every morning and suggest my clients the same.

#5 Whey Protein


Regular gym-goers are sure to have noticed muscly guys tossing back a protein shake straight after their workout and it’s true that many bodybuilders use whey protein to assist with building muscle.  But don’t be fooled by this stereotype, whey protein can also be a useful aid in weight-loss for both men and women.Whey protein is basically a convenient alternative to whole foods that can be supplemented in our diets.

But before you stock up and start drinking protein shakes on top of your regular diet, you need learn how it can be used in a weight loss program. For that, You can check our previous blog.