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What are Steroids? Are steroids worth taking? Steroid may take you up with hope or bring you down with dope!

Some believes steroids are impervious and striking. While others have a view that they cause enduring bruise and can even be cannibalistic. To clear this out. let us understand steroids in a better way.

What are steroids?

By steroids, we exactly mean “anabolic steroids” a human-made phenomenon having much the same upshot as testosterone in the body, along with enlarged muscles, tightness and recovery, which fundamentally results in increased protein synthesis rate and reduction in protein degradation rate.

Some popular steroids are Stanozolol, Nandrolone and Boldenone etc.

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A Ride Against Child Labour and Pedestrians Safety!

B2Zone has always been keen to work for the societal development. Their sole aim is just not to give people the healthy body but healthy mind too. It is very important to eradicate the various social evils from the society, for this purpose it is necessary to take the initiative. B2zone in association with Vigor Riders undertook the bike ride programme for creating fitness awareness.

Not only this, another group also went straight to Leh to propagate the message of “Beti Bachao”.

Now, B2Zone is more than happy in being associated with Delhi Randonneurs. who are the cycle riders, riding for the cause of Anti Child Labour and Safety of pedestrian.

“The bicycle is a simple solution to some of the world’s most complicated problems”

With this mindset, Dr. Chiro Priyo Mitra, a veterinary surgeon by profession, has been fiercely labouring with a mission to create a spark among the people of society to uncover various social evils.

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Excuses don’t get result – Be motivated for your workout goals. 6 Easy Tips to Stay You Motivated for Your Workout!

So, here we are up with our next readings. Nowadays, joining a gym is easy but it can be difficult to drag yourself out of bed and go to the gym. But guys think as, if you can make it that far, what’s stopping you from covering a journey from bed to  treadmill. Remember you don’t get the ass you want by sitting on it. Sometimes you just need brutal honesty to get you moving. The hardest lift of all if lifting your butt off the couch and yes excuses burns zero calories. An hour of workout is just 4% of your day.

Everyone loses their inspiration in the gym sometimes. What matters is what happens next. Just relaunch your energy with below advised motivational tips:

1. Use of supplements

Increase your energy level right before a workout..

You are getting ready to head for the workout but u feel little tired. Which is so normal as long term gyming causes certain kind of nutrition deficiency since people consider dieting as eating less and gives rise to the deficiency. Dieting is just about eating right, not less. In such situation, to increase your metabolism. One should prefer supplements. Here, we suggest you to take WHEY PROTEIN. Its an essential supplement to fulfil your deficiencies. And in case you are new to knock the doors of gym, you can go for pre workout supplements. if you are low with cash at times you can go for caffeine, you can get it from coffee, tea, coke etc. Caffeine increases your mental alertness. However it only offers temporary boost.

P.S You can consult to our health club incharge and get the best for you on  And to more about supplements read our previous blog.

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Posted on 238 Comments

5 Reasons Why Your Workout is No More Fruitful in Weight Reduction! Exercising More… Still Weighs Same!! WHY?

So here are we are up with top 5 reasons why you have stopped reducing the weight even after working out regularly. CHECK THEM OUT!!

1. Sugar Intake

Most people view sugary foods like sweets, candies etc. as tasty, satisfying, and Irresistible Treats. But, sugar provides calories with no added nutrients and can damage your metabolism which will ultimately lead to slow metabolism i.e., you slow down burning calories and it doesn’t matter what you eat as long as you burn off the calories. Exercise can help us , as long as you’re eating right foods. So avoid sugar consumption and see the results faster.

2. Tea

Tea seems to be an emotion for some people it’s a cup of peace. But just have a reality check may be you are following a healthy diet and watch every time what you eat but when it comes to tea, you aren’t so careful. Though drinking tea could be helpful to reduce weight but the effects are cancelled out if you add milk and sugar. Tea with sugar has calories . I have seen people saying , “I don’t know why I am not losing weight.” But when I look at their diet chart , although they don’t eat much , but 5-10 cups of tea with sugar is the major problem. It is advised to replace your milk tea with Black tea or Green tea .. If you have an issue with the taste of green tea, try GIRNAR’s DESI KAHWA.. a soothing one.

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Posted on 364 Comments

Fitness Model Photoshopped Her Own Picture?

It is completely fine not to have abs and look lean because fitness is something u can’t photoshop. Fitness star nowadays post photos on social media which are the pure work of photoshop. Recently, Shruti kerni, a professional sponsored athlete and a fitness model, posted a photo on instagram faking her abs. which is later on exposed by Exposing Fitness named account. just have the look:


Later on, when caught, shruti kerni posted a video discussing about account being hacked. go check out the video –

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Girls Out There – It’s Your Time to Have Shredded Body! Break The STEREOTYPE

You hear it time and again, that bodybuilding has always been a male dominated arena , this is just because people are not quite used to see a woman bodybuilder . Shattering stereotypes and breaking body shaming notion, here we are  up with top 5 fab fitness lady trainers, who are beautiful and gives you major fitness goals.

Bani J.

An Indian fitness model, actress and MTV India presenter, better known as VJ Bani or Bani j. Her real name is Gurbani Judge. Bani J has super sculpted body, which is a source of inspiration for many. She recommends to select a particular diet according to your body goal and make exercise and gym as important part of your lifestyle.

A post shared by ⚡Lady RocknRolla ⚡ (@banij) on

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Fitness stories of Bollywood Stars: Their Fortuitous Transformations

Fitness is not about being better than someone. Fitness is about being than the person you were yesterday. Being fit is not a new concept but a guiding process and the most important concern in the lives of people. And when it comes to the Bollywood, fit is fabulous!! Actors need to stay fit and look gorgeous.

So, here we are up with the 1st list of most common stars who struggled with their weight issues and have a jaw dropping fitness transformation. And the 2nd list goes the other way round where those sculpted body actors are now seen with
the pot bellies and double chin.

Actors who became FAT to FIT

1. Shekhar Suman

Shekhar Suman’s astounding transfiguration at 54, is motivating us to go and bang the gym floor. The comedy star and a well known politician later has just watched his weight and tighten his belt to have this shredded muscles.

Just have the look:

2. Ganesh Acharya

Bollywood’s brilliant choreographer has revamped amazingly by shredding 85 kgs in a time interval of 1.5 years. Who once weighing 200 kgs, he lost excess weight by following rigorous workout scheme.

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5 ways to avoid gaining weight this Diwali!!

Celebration mode is now on , and why not? After all its Diwali time.. B2Zone wishes you a very happy Diwali..

Since Diwali is the festival of sweets, its hard to keep yourself deprive of all such yummy food stuffs.. so, here we are up suggesting you some ways about how you can maintain yourself without avoiding much of the fun.

Drink Green Tea

Whatsoever you consume either sweets or heavy meal.. Have your green tes ready after every heavy meal.. Its best to have your green tea after 30-45 mins of your meal. It helps in proper absorption of your food.

Don’t Skip Your Regular Meal

If you skip your routine meal , just to have one more gulab jamun, then guys it’s a bad idea.

Don’t skip your routine meals.. Even have them at the same time they are supposed to be taken. It will result in less cravings , your stomach won’t starve and you will be less tempted towards sweets.

Continue reading 5 ways to avoid gaining weight this Diwali!!

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The Expendables: Bollywood Version! These 8 Stars Are Perfect Action Heroes For A Bollywood Version Of The Expendables

Sunil Shetty As Sylvester Stallone (Barney Ross)

There is no doubt that Sunil Shetty can nail it with his character. Sunil Shetty at this age gives us a major fitness goal. Similar as Sylvester at the age of 68 years is a shredded and equipped. Not only this, he possesses a goof leadership traits in the industry and that’s why his name is cropped up when Bollywood cast of the expendables being discussed.

 Amitabh Bachchan  as Chuck Norris (Booker)

Amitabh Bachchan is the “The Lone Wolf” and “One Man Military” who do a bang up job with the booker’s temperament.

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OMG! Grain Beetles found in MUSCLEBLAZE protein cereal Do not trust blindly on your product brand.

Shopping online has steadily gained popularity over years and a steady rise in the number of parcels containing health products being shipped has been observed. According to the study conducted by HAS in 2008 , it was discovered that nearly two third of online purchases of health products were counterfeit, adulterated or substandard.

As a consumer, cheap bargains and enticing offers that you find online are hard to resisit. But Consumers are advised not to risk their health for the sake of convenience and lower price.

Recently, a consumer from Bhilwara ordered a protein cereal  from a so called consumers favourite which assures quality – MUSCLEBLAZE. Muscleblaze guarantees 100% purity but this blind trust has defeated the consumers satisfaction as the product so ordered was found adulterated, which can be clearly seen in the video.. that is protein cereal mixture contained some insects which are called as grain beetles , which are  unhealthy to consume.

There is a thin line between blind faith and conscious faith. Always be conscious about your purchases .  on the part of Muscleblaze ,  it is advised to discard the old and adulterated product and revise their product quality scheme.